30 Things You Can Easily Sell to the Government

30 Things You Can Easily Sell to the Government

Jul 10, 2023

Superstar Government Contracting Secrets

1. IT Services: With the government's increased use of technology, IT support, cloud services, cybersecurity solutions, and system integration are in high demand.

2. Consulting Services: Government departments often need expert advice on various topics such as business strategy, economics, and more.

3. Medical Equipment: Hospitals, clinics, and medical centers run by the government regularly require updated medical equipment and supplies.

4. Construction Services: Infrastructure projects often involve government contracts. This can include anything from building roads to constructing government facilities.

5. Education Materials: Educational institutions often require textbooks, e-learning resources, and other teaching aids.

6. Office Supplies: This includes basic supplies like paper, pens, ink, and other stationery.

7. Furniture: Government offices and facilities often need new or replacement furniture.

8. Software: This can include specialized software for various departments, software licenses, or custom-developed software.

9. Food Services: Government institutions like schools, prisons, and hospitals need food supply services.

10. Training Services: This could involve providing training on a range of topics such as diversity, technical skills, or leadership.

11. Telecommunications Equipment: Government departments often need telecommunication devices and services.

12. Transportation Services: This can include transportation for personnel, goods, or specialized services such as for disabled individuals.

13. Legal Services: Law firms can provide a variety of legal services to the government, including litigation, consultation, or contract review.

14. Research Services: Governments often contract out research work to private entities.

15. Cleaning Services: Government buildings, schools, hospitals, and other facilities regularly need cleaning services.

16. Energy Solutions: This can include renewable energy technology, energy audits, or energy efficiency solutions.

17. Security Equipment: Surveillance cameras, security systems, and other safety equipment are often needed in government facilities.

18. Professional Development Programs: Governments often invest in the growth of their employees by providing professional development programs.

19. Engineering Services: This could involve civil, mechanical, electrical, or other types of engineering services.

20. Lab Equipment: Government-run labs often need a supply of lab equipment and chemicals.

21. Uniforms: Various government departments require uniforms, such as the military, postal services, or park rangers.

22. Landscaping Services: Government properties often require landscaping and maintenance services.

23. Environmental Services: This could involve environmental impact assessments, conservation work, or pollution mitigation efforts.

24. Marketing Services: Governments need marketing for various campaigns, initiatives, and public service announcements.

25. Vehicles: Government departments often need to purchase or lease vehicles.

26. Housing Services: This could involve construction or maintenance services for government housing projects.

27. Healthcare Services: This includes a range of healthcare services, from nursing to physiotherapy.

28. Waste Management Services: Government facilities require waste management and recycling services.

29. Fitness Equipment: Government institutions such as schools, military bases, or community centers may need fitness equipment.

30. Agricultural Products: Government institutions may require a supply of fresh produce or other agricultural products for various reasons.